Wednesday, December 12, 2007

5 day pass

Lonye had his bronchoscopy yesterday.  Dr. Edelman (Pulmonary doc on the transplant team) said that it looked pretty good.  There was some fluid in the left lung.  They took a sample & sent it to pathology.  We should know the results by tomorrow.  He did say that there is a chance he could "grow out" the same thing as prior to the transplant.  He did not say how likely that is, just that it could happen and if so, Lonye will need to start on another antibiotic.  We are scheduled to go back in on Monday, December 17th.
Knowing that we have that much time between appointments, I said "I know I have asked this question a few times, but, we are HIGHLY MOTIVATED.  When will it be safe for us to make a trip home, even if it's only for a few days"?  I said, "we have a 5 year old, she misses us a lot".  He also has a 5 year old, so he could feel our pain!  He thought for a second, then asked me a few questions (Lonye was still too doped up to know what was going on).  Finally, he said, "You can go back tomorrow as long as you come back on Monday, and don't tell any of the other transplants patients!!!!  He also reminded me that it's only been about 3 weeks since Lonye's surgery.....  he's still recovering and needs to take it easy!  I said the only difference is that he will be resting at home!
We drove down today, yes, we are home!!!! We came down this afternoon, drove straight to Willamette Christian and picked Shelby up from school.  She didn't know we were coming, she was so excited to see us, and surprised.  She will go back up with us on Sunday.  We will stay in Seattle until after Lonye's appointment(s) next week.  Actually, this is a trial run, we are trying to convince the team to allow us to come back up for appointments.  We don't want to do anything to slow Lonye's progress.  So far he is doing unbelievably well.  We, of course, want to continue on that path of recovery.
One thing I have forgotten to talk about is how much better Lonye feels already.  First, he is eating like crazy.  He has more energy than he's had in a very long time.  We were going to the Bellevue Mall almost every day, just for something to do!  The hard thing for him will be to relax a little and take it easy so he doesn't hurt himself.  It is possible for the bones to shift if he is not following the directions/rules of the transplant team.  I have sworn to monitor him 24/7 ......  to make sure he's taking his meds etc, but also to make sure he doesn't over do it.
I am so happy to be home....  even if it is only for a few days.  We will see what happens next week!!!

1 comment:

Nanci Curry said...

Lonye and Deanna,
I was so glad to hear you got to come home for a few days and see Shelby. Children can put a smile on your face and warm your heart like nothing else in the world. I am also glad to hear you are feeling better then before. Lonster, just remember not to over due and be a good patient for Deanna! I hope to see your smiling face soon.