Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's been almost a year now!!!

Well it has been almost a year since my surgery and thought I better post something since it has been almost 9 months from my last post. I am doing well Had a bump in late Feb. with pnemonia and then a spat with CMV in Mayish because my donor was CMV positive and I was not so I figured eventually I would have it. But over all life has been good. Being with my family and watching Shelby grow each day because of the gift I received is beyond words. I think about my donor every day. I hope anyone that reads this post will think about becoming a donor if you havnt already done so. When I was younger I knew about being a organ donor and even knowing that some day in the back of my head I might need a lung transplant it never sunk in. It didnt sink in until after my surgery how becoming a donor is the greatest gift you can give some one, which is new life. You know the saying " you dont know what its like until you experience it" well let me tell ya that there are over whelming emotions of graditude for the gift that I received. Becoming a donor would touch many peoples lives. At times I wish that I could become a donor to know that I would touch many lives with that gift. I plan to post some more pics soon! Take care


1 comment:

Christy said...

Ok Lonye..
Waiting on those new pics you promised. Shelby has grown so much!! I can't believe it!!
Thanks for stopping over at my blog. Believe me, if you ever have to have a kidney transplant, don't worry a bit. It's nothing like a lung transplant. They are cheating by even calling it a transplant.. haha.
Glad you are doing well!!