Monday, January 14, 2008


We got up at 2:00am and got on the road around 3:30.  We took Shelby so since it was a one day appointment we decided to not spend the night in Mercer Island.  We do miss the company of Patty and Ed though.  My appointment was at 7:30 and that is the time we arrived :-).  My lung function was up to 76, which I was happy about.  The ex ray looked good as well.  Some meds were changed one was my pain meds for evening that was lowered and prednisone will be lowered again on the 23rd.  Over all every thing went very good and we don't have to go back for another 3 weeks so we like that.  They did say at my 3 month date we will have to have another bronchoscopy done and a CT scan so that trip will be an overnighter or two.  The new picture is Josette and I, she is a awesome nurse.  She has been the one to draw my blood from my PICC and does my PICC dressing change.  She is a very neat lady.  A PICC for those that don't know is I guess what you would call a long term at home IV.   I have a IV regimen that will last till the 23rd of Feb.  I have had the PICC since Oct. you can have them they say up to 6 to 9 months all depends on how you take care of it.  You have to keep it dry when you take a shower so I use a small kitchen bag and wrap it around the PICC area and tape each end with tape on to my arm.  This is the longest time I have ever had one all the other times they were about two weeks.  They dont hurt or any thing so its no big deal.  The last few I had did hurt like hell when putting them in because of my veins collapsing or scare tissue.  That is not fun when you run into that let me tell ya!   Well thats about it for now we will post soon!

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