Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's a better day!!!

I'm sure you've heard, "there are exceptions to every rule", in hospitals, I think it's even more true.  When we first arrived in ICU we were told that patients can not have family stay over night, if they do, you must sit/sleep in one of the chairs in the room.  They also said that at "shift change" you are REQUIRED to leave the room and go out to the waiting area.  So, we tried to follow the wasn't long until I met a few of the family members of patients.  One lady told me that she stays w/her husband 24/7 (even at shift change, hmmmm).  Then, I met another lady who has a cot (yes, a cot).....  I was told there are none in this hospital.  So, now I have a cot and I don't leave at shift change.  The moral of this story is this:  the one time I try to follow the rules, I end up sleeping in a metal chair for 4 nights!!!  I won't make that mistake again.....  For all of our nurse friends reading this, I am not in any way advocating for bad behavior or bullying.  I am an advocate of asking TO BE THE EXEPTION!
Well, that's enough about me!  Lonye continues to impress the docs!  Another chest tube came out this morning, that's two down and two to go.  We met with the transplant coordinator, she says that he will most likely be released from the hospital this weekend.  There is a chance it might not to be until Monday, mostly because the transplant team is out over the weekend.  The weekend docs will play it safe.  If there is any question whatsoever he will remain here through the weekend.
She also counseled us on post transplant activities.  It's so easy to think, he has new lungs, so he's "fixed".  The truth is, a lot of work goes into maintain the health of those lungs.  The anti-rejection meds make him prone to illness/rejection.....  not just for a few weeks or months, but forever.  The good news is that his activities won't be limited very much.  He will just need to be cautious.  If we are in a crowded area, he will need to wear a mask.  If he is in a construction area where earth is being moved, he will need to wear a mask.  And the medications, there are MANY of them.  As he puts it, "it's like trading one disease for another".

1 comment:

carolyn carr said...

Lonye, I'm so glad to hear you're still doing so well. Keep up the good work. I hope you do get to leave the hospital soon so you can start your relaxing part of recovery. We all miss you here and have enjoyed the pictures and updates. Thanks Deanna for keeping us up to date. Talk with you soon. Love, Carolyn