Saturday, November 24, 2007


It's been a long day.  To top it off, we lost our internet access.  I am back on line for a while this evening.
The surgery went really well!!!!!  
To the best of my recollection (I am exhausted) Lonye was moved up to the ICU at about 8am. 
It took about an hour for them to get him settled in, we were able to go in at 9am.  His looked (still does) really good.  He was on the ventilator.  He was heavily sedated.  
He has been doing great all day.  At about 2:15pm (just 6 hours, 15 minutes after arriving in ICU) the vent was disconnected.  He's breathing on his own!!  Of course, I was right there when the tube came out, I saw a tear in the corner of his eye as he took his first breath.  I asked if it hurt, he shook his head "no".  Then I asked "are those tears of joy"?  He nodded "yes".  It's been quite an emotional day!  We are so excited I can not even begin to tell you.
I have to get some sleep.  I will post more when I can!

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