Sunday, December 9, 2007

A busy weekend

Lonye had his first post op appointment on Friday.  We met with Dr. Edelman, had blood work, pulmonary function test and an xray.  His FEV1 was 68%!  That's even up 1% from last Monday.  The docs say that it will go up even more over the next 3-4 months.  His meds will remain the same for now.  The prednisone will be reduced some at his next appointment, which is next Friday.  Next week he has appointments on Monday, Tuesday & Friday.  Monday is with Dr. Mulligan, the surgeon.  Tuesday is another blood draw & a bronchoscopy (I have no idea if I spelled that right), so we will be at the UW a good part of the day.  Then, Friday we go back in for another appointment with Dr. Edelman.  So, lots of follow up! 
Lee came up on Friday, he arrived here at about 6:20pm, he brought Shelby & Zachary with him, of course!!  We were so excited to see all three.  Shelby jumped into my arms.  That was short lived though, she got down here and just wanted to be with her dad.  It was very sweet.  The first thing she said to him was, "Daddy, can I see your owie?"  Lonye showed her the incision, I thought she was going to cry.  She spent the whole weekend by her Dad's side.  She wanted to make him feel better.  It was very sweet.
They went back home this morning, Shelby cried when they left.  I'm sure she was fine by the time they got on the freeway.  Owen's birthday is today, so she had a birthday party to look forward to.  And, Tracy's Mom made a blanket for her stuffed elephant, Peanut.  She was excited to see that too.  If you see this, thank you Nancy!!!  Shelby talked about Peanut's blanket all weekend.
Ed & Patty had two of their grandkids over on Saturday morning, Emma & Jennifer.  Their parents were with David (the oldest) at a swim meet.  They came over for dinner on Saturday night, we were invited too.  We had steak, baked potatoes, corn & salad.  We had a great dinner.  Dave, Tanya & the kids were delightful.  The kids played all night!  It was alot of fun!
We are hoping that we can go home next weekend to check on the house, pick up Shelby and come back for Lonye's appointments the next week.  This plan has not been cleared by the transplant team, so we will have to get permission.  Even if we can go home for one night, it will be nice!  We will know more later this week!  We have been told that we should be able to go home for "a day or two" at Christmas.  We are looking forward to that for sure!!!

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