Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day after Christmas!

     I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!  We had a nice day it started out with Lee and I going to the cemetery to put flowers on mom's grave and then Lee and I went down town and took back some stuff then we headed back to my house around 1:00 and had christmas with dad, he had brought over some presents for Shelby and Zachary.  They love to see there grandpa!   Dad left around 4ish and me, Deanna , Lee and the kids had christmas dinner.  Deanna fixed this beef brisket recipe that she found, it was really good.  The kids opened the presents from Lee and us and had a lot of fun.  Christmas morning we had to get Shelby up to see if santa came she did that last year too.  She loves presents but sleep was her focus, thats my daughter!  We had to be at Chet's house at 1:00 for brunch so we were kinda rushed that morning but we made it on time.  Lee came with us because Laura had Zachary christmas morning at 10;00 so we invited him to come with us and glad he came.  We are still trying to get used to them not being together.  
     Health wise I am still doing well.  I have coughed for 41 years every day of my life so its weird not coughing any more or clearing my throat so just been remembering some of the things I did before the tx.  They are still adjusting my meds so I am getting used to how they make me feel.  The shaking should go away soon as they get the doses lowered.   I want to go back to work so I will ask them again when we go back on the 1st if I can just work just a little even ifs a few hours a day but I wont push it.  I know there is a reason why they don't so I understand.  Its very important that my bones heal back and stuff so if they say no I will have to wait.  THey have been very fair and trusting by letting me go home in between appointments so I don't want to loose their trust.  It's funny some of the nurses that we talk with during the visits just almost have a heart attack that I am not staying close to the clinic and that I am so far from them.  We tell them the doc says its ok  and not to tell anyone else, like other patients that I am gone.  For me its just another day of stuff and then move on but I think most of the nurses forget that a person that has CF already deals with this type of regimen and we can manage and deal with it.    Deanna and I will head up to Mercer Island on the 1st and stay with Ed and Patty and come back hopefully the 3rd after my scope test.   We will let everyone know how the appointments go after we find out how all the testing went.    Hope all is doing well and I will post next week after my appoints to let everyone know how I am doing.  Take care and see ya soon!


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